About us
Nadine Mengis
Research group lead
Research Interests:
- Feedbacks in the Earth system – physical and biogeochemical
- Uncertainties in Climate Projections
- Improving the Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Removal
- Moral implications of Ambitious Mitigation Pathways
- National Mitigation Strategies
- Statistics
- Science Communication
Twitter: @NadineMengis
Institute Website
David Hohn
Postdoctoral researcher – WP2
- What happens when CO2 emissions stop?
- How much warming is already committed to the climate?
- Which earth system processes are important after emissions stop?
- How (un)certain are the climate models?
- Statistics
- Parameter Estimation
- Machine Learning
Estela Monteiro
Doctoral researcher – WP3
- Is net-zero the right target?
- What is the contribution from other climate components aside from carbon?
- What are the impacts of implementation choices on modeled climate responses?
- Data Analysis
- Science Communication
Makcim De Sisto
Postdoctoral researcher – WP1
- Assessment of carbon dioxide removal schemes
- Uncertainties in carbon budgets estimations
- Terrestrial nitrogen and phosphorus biogeochemical cycle modelling
- Terrestrial N2O emissions model development